Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Saga Continues....

MONDAY JULY 19, 2010
Getting it done
This morning we took Pixie to get her teeth cleaned and get her exit papers to go home. All went well except we forgot to grab her entrance papers. I realized this when we got off the water taxi. The vet had said he needed them, so Kevin ran back to get them. While Pixie was getting her teeth done I waited for Gypsy, went to the bank, paid all the bills and went to Super Mas to pick up groceries. Kevin returned with the papers just as the vet was coming out to get us. After picking up a groggy, passed out Poo, we went to pay Pixies tax, had lunch, and picked up 3 bootleg dvd's. 

We walked home up the beach and made it home just before 5pm. WHEW! One hurdle down. Everything else should be a breeze. Kevin still has his worries and I worry a little because I still have to make arrangements for our stay in Quepos and our rides to and from the airports. I already emailed Costa Rica Shuttle for our ride to San Jose airport. Tomorrow I will call and reserve a room at the Best Western and get online to reserve a van from Orlando to Jacksonville. This way we can stop in St Augustine Beach and drop a surf board, if Kevin wants. Besides, the ride from St. Augustine to Orlando was $165. We figured it would be a lot more to his Mom's in North Jacksonville, and a car would be cheaper.

So, the plans are set in motion and the count down is on. Gypsy pledged to help, gotta love her.

For me, though, I wish I could find someone to take over the lease. I could always use the money and just leaving the casa makes me feel guilty. Gypsy seems to have no qualms either way, and being so close to Ben and Lori, Im guessing they would feel the same way. I just dont know. I hope we can find someone but, I have to take care of me and my own...thats whats most important.

By the way, all day long Gypsy had to keep reminding me to breathe...I guess I still haven't learned and we laughed at how hard it is sometimes to do just that...breathe.

Holy Shit!
Wow, I just looked at the calender and there are only 9 days left in the casa. Today I made our Costa Rica end plans. Reserved the shuttle and the hotel room. Our last day in Costa Rica will be spent in downtown Quepos, it should be fun. 

The only thing I didn't arrange was the rental in Florida. Budget had the biggest vehicle, being a Ford Explorer. Not quite big enough for the surf boards. So Kevin said he would call Rich tonight to see if he could arrange a least to St Augustine Beach. If not, I will call and reserve the Explorer.

Oh yeah - today my computer screen completely all black screen. So, for real, NO COMPUTER LEFT! It pisses me off because I could have looked around online for a rental and try to get our Boost phone turned on for when we got home. Fucker!

Today we did some yard work. We raked and burned leaves for Jimmy. The leaves form the trees we took down for him. We thought we should do it because, after all, Jimmy always says, 'dont bother your neighbor'. Im assuming he means with your bullshit. So, the trees were our bullshit they made more work for us all, We figured we would finish the job for him before we left.

Just By Chance
Just for the hell of it, I texted a kid form North Carolina, who had said he wanted to take over the lease, to see if he was still interested. He told me his flight into San Jose wasn't until the 28th. I was suprised, and after multiple texts, I was able to convince him to send me a deposit of $100-$200, an to call me tomorrow. Kevin was irritated by all the texting but, I was glad I did it. So, tomorrow Brian Garlock is suppose to call and set up his sending a small deposit via Western Union. Hell Yeah! Kevinwas skeptical, as always, but, it made me feel a bit better.

Ricky is in need of money. So, we are collecting things we won't be taking with us for him to sell. We told him he could keep some of the money for selling the things for us. He came back a little while ago. Nothing sold but, he was hopeful. I know we both need the money, so, I hope Ricky can do his thing. He needs money to rent a chainsaw to sell wood and get wood to finish his house. Like I said, I hope Ricky can do his thing.

10am at La Playa
Croc Alert!
This morning i called Cyndi for some help... mostly support and someone to talk to that turned into help. She called around for a shuttle service to pick us up at the Orlando airport. She called back with her recommendation, which I took. I called and made arrangements for a ride to St Augustine Beach because Chris and Cyndi offered us to stay a the night. So, I called and got it taken care of. YAY! 

Earlier, while Cyndi was calling shuttle services, Kevin went surfing. I had gone to the beach to watch, to pass time till Cyndi called back. Kevin had only caught a few waves, then he was coming in. This surprised me. I noticed a hurriedness in his demeanor and knew he saw something scary. Sure enough he saw an 8' saltwater croc not far from him. Needless to say, he will not be returning to the ocean for the rest of our stay. He even took the wax off his board. I guess if I saw that thing floating next to me I'd feel the same way.

Whatever-Nada en Absoluto
While talking out some of Kevin's anxiety, after the electricity went off for 5 minutes...just as he went to watch the end of Wolfman, we saw Alexander, our neighbor. He has a friend who paints and sells his art on the street in downtown Quepos. He chatted plants with Kevin, then Ricky came by. Kevin walked to Alexanders to get coconuts Alexander wanted me to have while Ricky and I sat on the porch trying to say 'whatever' in Spanish. It turns out it translates to 'nada en absoluto'. Ricky and Alexander don't get along. Something about a seniorita who would watch Rikcys kids. After Kevin returned with the coconuts, so did Alexander. I told Ricky I was going inside because I felt that Alexander might have a crush on me. While inside, Kevin came in and grabbed a bag and disappeared. Ricky was waiting but, I think he went next door. All I can say is Nada en Absoluto!

OH - and I have yet to hear from Brian the one from North Carolina who wanted to rent the casa. He said he would call today but, who knows. He told me he quit his job and was selling his car tomorrow. He sounds serious enough but, it would be nice to get a deposit to put my mind at ease. I at least hope to hear from him by the weekend. ::fingers crossed:: Anyway, Im thinking Kevin went back to Alexanders to get some fruit because I had given him my drawing board to give to his artist friend.

While we were talking earlier, Kevin expressed how he was not thrilled with going back to Jacksonville. (neither was I) But, it seemed we had no choice. With the computer fried there was no way for me to check on apartments or use Skype. He even talked of camping in Chris and Cyndi's yard till we found a place. What he really wants is a car. If we just had a place to stay in St Augustine Beach till we found a place, everything would be easier. I did see a hotel in the island by the Bridge of Lions that had rates of $200-something a week but, we needed a computer to help facilitate finding a place. If I knew coming home would be so complicated, I probably would have passed on this Costa Rican adventure - not to mention all the bullshit we have dealt with while here...OH YEAH, nada in absoluto! LOL, and I was right, Kevin just came back with bags full of noni and lime from Alexander.

Thinking Back...
This morning Kevin had called Chris and Chris had told him that Ben and Lori were just in St. Augustine Beach. He said that they had pissed everyone off and they had just wrote off the property here. They aren't returning, just as we suspected. People just inherently suck! 

I read over our 'lease' and we got a laugh at some of the 'rules'. What did they really care if they weren't coming back? Plus, no wonder we were so paranoid when they left. It was their 'scare tactics' in order to try to control us, as Kevin said. FUCKERS!

Kevin had bad feelings all night about leaving the animals. I guess because the Brian person never called like he said. I told him we would probably hear from him by the weekend, I hope I'm right...
After thinking about it, it has cost me a lot more than one would suspect in being here. Maybe if I could get the $900 back I'd be closer to even, less my computer. If that hadn't died, we might have been able to make it here for another 3 months. Especially, since the locals here have now befriended us. Yesterday, Kevin was out talking with Domingo and Ricky. Domingo said that Ben was bad and Kevin was good. Then, proceeded to mock Ben by pretending to leave his property and wave, say hi, then run off. If Ben and Lori would have befriended these people they could have learned a lot. Including. how to farm and feed their family. Then they would still be here and not lost all they put into this place. Dumbasses. Fuckers. Mother fuckers. If they would have just did the right things my computer would still be OK and maybe we would have stayed another 3 months...who knows.

Bored and Lil Lonely
This morning I did laundry and Kevin took off to get over his negative feelings.(thank god) After laundry I sort of repacked some of my things trying to figure out how best to get it all home. I am already leaving things behind and don't want to lose more. Plus, I'm trying to figure out how to keep the bags under 50 lbs. each. I put that on hold to look at it again in a few days. This time next Friday we will be leaving the casa. One week left. Im sitting here wondering where Kevin is and fighting off feelings of boredom and loneliness. Its better he took off, its good for his spirits and avoids fights. I just wish my damn computer screen wasn't black, it would give me something to do. I have been piddling around enough to kill another half hour or's now 11:35. Time to go swing in the hammock and try to read.

Moving Right Along
Ok, so, Mike the baker sent out a couple to look at the casa. A British/German girl and a Tico guy. Jinny and Coco. Total animal lovers and lovers of the casa. It was a little confusing at first because Mike told them he owned the property, it was rent free and you just had to run the camp. I clarified that it was $100 per month and no surf camp. They both loved it here and wanted it but, I told them about the North Carolina guy. With all that we had been through, giving up everything for nothing, I felt I needed to at least call him, and I would be in touch as soon as I talked to him. So, I called him and he blew me off, saying he had family problems. Well, this didn't sit well with Kevin. So, I told him fuck the kid and to call Jinny and Coco because he talks better with people than I do. He said he would and that probably as soon as he hung up the kid from North Carolina would call. So, he talked with Ginny and they can pay 6 months up front. They would be by at 10 am tomorrow. They were suppose to move into a place on Saturday in town for a week. So, Kevin told them they were more than welcome, and we actually wanted them to stay the last week with us.

Well, Kevin laid the phone down and no sooner than it hit the table, it started to ring. LOL, it was the kid form North Carolina. AS it turns out, he lied and doesn't even have a plane ticket, yet. Kevin bullshitted around with him and then finally hung up. After that he called his Mom and is now talking with her. It seems like everything is working out the way it should, just like life does. We will introduce Jinny and Coco to Gypsy so they have a 'go to' person. Hopefully they will come stay sooner than later so we can introduce them to everyone we have come to know. This, plus Coco being Tico, will help them immensely. Boy would Ben and Lori shit if they knew a Tico was living in their house. Who knows when they will be asked about Ben, hopefully they won't. Kevin loves the fact that Coco is Tico because they can live here forever, if they want and they seem like good people. Good things do happen to good people...Im hoping that good comes back to me when I need when we get home.

Phone Calls
Kevin had his music on and I was reading. Kevin heard the phone, not me. I heard him talking then he came into the bedroom. I asked who called and he said Chris and Cyndi. She said Rich is now driving trucks and will be home next Saturday and can pick us up at the airport. He looked at the phone and there was another call with a message from St. Augustine. He tried to access the message but of course Ben and Lori never told us how to check them. So, he took a chance and called it back. It was Rich! Yeah!
He is going to pick us up next weekend. I'm going to be glad to see him and Chrissy when we land. What an awesome day full of great surprises.

FRIDAY JULY 23, 2010
I Just Wanna Go Home
This morning started with a huge fight between Kevin and I. I tried to remain calm but, knew I couldn't take much more of this with him. I called Cyndi to thank her for the call and the hook up with Rich. 

The couple form yesterday was suppose to be by at 10am. At 10:10 we received a text saying that Mike the baker insists he owns the property and that they would pass because they didn't know who to believe. Kevin called Jinny back immediately and told them we have a lease to prove that Mike didn't own the property. He told them to come to the house and we would show them as proof. Then he called Mike and asked him what the fuck he was doing and that he was on his way to the bakery. He hung up the phone and I was crying. He told me he was my friend and that everything between us was going to be ok. Then, took off for the bakery. It's been and hour and the couple hasn't showed. Kevin took the phone so don't know whats going on. After a bout with pure hysteria, I was finally able to sit and write this. All I could tell Kevin was that I just wanted to go home...and I do. What happens between us after that, I cannot be sure. Everyone here has been a lair!

Kevin has just walked up with Jinny and Coco...

19th Nervous Breakdown
Jinny and Coco left at about 3:30. We talked everything out. To prove Mike was a liar, we showed them our lease and rent receipt. We explained that we were going to tell them of the whole sublet situation today. Needless to say, the conversation went deeper. Into explanations about Ben and Loris situation, what kind of people they were and that they probably weren't coming back. We did tell them about them leaving stuff here and there being an outside chance they may send someone to get some things but, we knew they couldn't afford it. Basically they didn't have anything to worry about at all. We also told them that Gypsy was like their representative here and she was fine with our plans.

Kevin even explained to them about squatters rights and how Coco being Tico, he can, in time, claim the property. We explained that there was no real paperwork on the property nor were Ben and Lori goign to show up every 3 months, as required by law.
After hours of talking, they told us before they left, they definitely wanted the place. Since they had to be out of their apartment tomorrow, they were coming to stay with us till we left.

Iam glad, but if I have another day like today, I swear Im going to have a nervous breakdown. Between Kevin flipping out and Mikes lies, I can't take anymore. Maybe Kevin sensed the bullshit coming and that was part of his anger. I seriously hope he doesn't take me on another emotional ride anytime soon. I know there will be stresses at home till we have a place and a car. Im just praying I don't have to deal with anymore of his outbursts of anger and throwing things around the house. I just don't need it. I need peace. Time will tell, as I keep saying, and if it happens again, it will surely tear us apart for good. 

The anxiety and stress of the day has left me tired, anxious and drained. Last night I didn't sleep long, maybe 4 hours total. Hopefully, tonight will be different. I need the rest. My neck and back hurt and I ma feeling dazed. Tonight I also pray for sleep, to take this day away. I also realized, I should have started this journal sooner...

I woke from a drug induced sleep. Bad dreams, nothing, just pure sleep. I am feeling better today. There is still a bit of lingering anxiety, probably because yesterday was such a nightmare.

What yesterday did teach me is that my friends in St Augustine really mean a lot to me. So much over the last months has taught me to appreciate things, so many things. Especially, my truest friends. 5 days left in the casa and 7 till we see those beloved friends. Honeslty, there is no place like home.

Last night Ricky came by. Today he is going to the mountains to hunt pig. Today is little Rickys 6th birthday. We told Ricky we would buy a cake and come by tonight. Soon we will be going to town for one of our last trips...

Yesterday Tavo followed Jinny and Coco to town when they left. He didn't come home as he normally would.Im hoping he is ok and stayed with them for the night.

Distractions are Bueno
This morning we went to town on Kevin's emotional roller coaster. Finally, on our way home he admitted he wasn't mad at me, or anything, actually. He was just sick of this place and ready to be home. We both agreed how thankful we will be when we see Rich and Chrissy's faces at the airport. 

When we arrived home we got a text from Jinny that Tavo spent the night with them and just left. She said they were packing and would call when they were on their way. We were talking on the porch when Rickys kids showed up with peepas in hand, asking if I would open them. They each indulged in 2 peepas and played in the hammocks. Then, Kevin started playing dominoes with Maria while Ricky, Justin and their friend Carlita played in a huge wash bucket full of rainwater. Maria was worried about her Papi, he's been gone since 4am hunting pigs in the mountains. We both know that Ricky won't be home till he catches something. Kevin wound up taking the kids to the beach to play on the boogie boards and they had a blast.

Distractions are good for people of every age. We sure are glad that Jinny and Coco will be here with us for our last 5 days, What a great distraction for us both. Oh, and they just showed up!

SUNDAY JULY 25, 2010
Counting Down
Last night Kevin, Jinny and I went to Rikcy's to help celebrate little Ricky's birthday. Coco had to work so he couldn't go. Afterwords, Ricky came down to smoke some Cocal homegrown and talk. Yesterday he woke at 4am to go hun for a pig but, came back with chickens instead. We all chatted and had a great time.

Kevin and I went to bed at 10pm Kevin fell immediately to sleep. I heard Coco come home and waited for them to turn off the lights and the rain to slow. Then, I got up and went out to be sure Coco flipped the water switches and he did, that was cool.

I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning with little sleep. I heard Kevin wake, then at 5:45am, our casa building neighbor started his chainsaw. It didn't last but a few minutes but, I was miserable. Kevin heard me get up and asked what was wrong. I just started to cry. I curled up next to him and he fell asleep with his arms around me. It was so comforting and what I've needed so much more of over the past 6 years but, rarely, if ever, got. I in turn wrapped my arms around Pixie. This is the way it should be each time I go to sleep and wake, but never is. I rested but, didn't sleep. After about an hour we all got up. I made breakfast and we talked.

It's now 10am and Jinny and Coco are still asleep. I don't know what it is, maybe the lack of sleep but, I keep having overwhelming feelings of anxiety and sadness. I just can't fucking wait to be home...away from this draining place and all of it's neediness. From the kids  and animals, you give them a little and they keep coming back for more. Always on the make, always on the take, just like Ben and Lori. I guess the day with the kids yesterday drained me, yet again, after the day of drama from Mike. Kevin said it best today. Going home is going to be like the vacation we thought we were on during the past 6 months.
4 days left in the casa....
5 days left in the country...
Not counting today, thank you very much.

A Good Day of Distractions
Well, I'm laying down trying to unwind. It was a good day of distractions. Ricky came by to fish  with Kevin but the seas were too rough, even though Kevin took the line out with a surf board. They cooked the bait fish and faked me out. I thought they caught them but, later Kevin let me know that Ricky built a fire and cooked the bait. SUCKER!

I talked with Jinny most of the day and Coco has the might off. The day didn't c-r-a-w-l by but, then it didn't fly by either. We talked about having Rich and Chrissy stop by our favorite pizza place on the way home. We are soo bad! but, have every intention on staying away from junk food when we get home. We are also realizing how little we own. It's like a fresh start...a new beginning when we get home...
The countdown continues and tonight it's a full moon but, its too cloudy to see it. Damn rainy season!

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