Saturday, July 17, 2010

your gonna have to wiat for the ending....

The electricity, or lack of proper wiring, has taken my computer.
For now, I am writing my journal by hand until I can get my computer fixed or Kevin gets his...see you all soon...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

this may be my last post for a computer is breaking down

Thursday July 1st, 2010
Not much goin’ on…
All day at the casa
Today I just laid low. The computer had, yet another, melt down. Kevin spent most of the day trying to fix it without reformatting. I finished the book I was reading, Exit to Eden and had nothing to read. I read every article in the Rolling Stone I  brought with me…really leaving nothing to read. I try to save any dvds for night time, before we go to bed. So, I found an old Cosmopolitan of Lori’s and started reading that. Luckily, Kevin got the computer running after devoting hours to fixing it. YAY!
We didn’t go to town today because Kevin has massive blisters from walking to the river. No big deal, tomorrow is another day. My ankle had still been bothering me so I could give it another day, myself.
Now that I have found Nip/Tuck, I continued watching the series…disc 3 season 2 done….Kevin played video games on the computer while I in my new tv show. He had watched most of this season on tv so he wasn’t as into the videos as I was. All good, just the same.

Friday July 2nd, 2010
2 months down
9:30 am downtown Quepos
Off to town we went…its been a week since we went. Charlie stuck around the property for us while we were gone. The cabina is a mosquito magnet and even after sleeping under a bug net, Charlie was still complaining of how the mosquitoes kept him up.  With all the rain yesterday, the mosquitoes must be multiplying quick!
My first online purchase arrived and we found it in the post office box today. Yay…so we can get stuff here! This was some Rid-X for the outhouse. Nothing fun but something useful.
We stopped and had some breakfast at Kevins favorite spot. Black beans and rice, scrambled eggs, butterd bread and Tamarindo juice…not bad for about 3 dollars. Then off to the ever loved Pali to get our staples and other groceries. I was surprised that everything fit into the bags we brought.
It was after 10 so we headed to the bookstore. I picked up 2 Nora Roberts books to read, for now. Next time I go I return the books and 2 that I brought with me, for store credit. Gotta love a book exchange program. Next we headed to the American Video store. We wanted to pick up some more dvds…they sell bootleg dvds for 1 or 2 dollars. They also rent, but last time we went in, the girl didn’t speak English, so we just bought instead. Kevin says what the fuck its only a dollar or 2 just to have them…But when we got there they weren’t open yet. They didn’t open till noon. Bummer. Last time we were in there they had a copy of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ with Johnny Depp. The movie that was on in the plane on the flight over. Since Kevin didn’t watch it and I fell asleep we wanted to pick that one up…oh well. There’s still the rest of Nip/Tuck season 2 to watch…lol.

1pm in the casa kitchen
Kevin was frustrated again this morning. So, after an enjoyable walk to town, talked it out. I mostly listened. Which is a good thing sometimes. We did converse about our 90 day visa stamp and our trip to Panama. I think at the beginning of the week we are going to go to the travel agent in Quepos to set up our trip. I have no idea where to go, how to get there or where to stay. So, some professional help is in order. I called Gypsy and left her a message. We need her schedule so we can plan our trip. Gypsy will be the one staying in the house and watching Pixie so we can plan on anything till we know her availability. The conversation went well. Its always good when Kevin can get stuff off his chest. I just asked him to try and imagine what it is like for me, having to deal with his frustrations. He understood completely and we always try to make an effort to make a change for the better after these conversations. Some days its hard, some days its not….but we are only human after all.
After our talk, I made this cake thing I made for Kevin yesterday. Its base was pancake mix and oatmeal with bananas. It came out really good, especially warm with some syrup. While on our way home we saw Maria, Ricky’s oldest. She ran up and hugged me, as did her friend. Lori would bring the kids sweets and treats sometimes from in town but this is a habit I am trying not to get into. Kevin asked if I could make the kids one of those cakes so I promised Maria I would make one and bring it down and told her they needed to eat it while it was hot. I added some sweet coconut to theirs, along with some syrup on the top…right out of the oven…so it would soak in. It looked yummy and Kevin just headed over to bring it to them. I also sent over a Tupperware of mixed veggies. I made them with yucca and Kevin wasn’t thrilled with the favor of the yucca that way. I guess with the other piece of yucca, from Francisco, I will try the boil then fry method. You fry them like you do the plantains. Hopefully the fried version will taste better.
Since we didn’t get any movies, Im thinking Nip/Tuck video 4 season2 is in order.

Saturday July 3rd, 2010
To town
10:30 am downtown Quepos
Off to town we went as Charlie packed to leave. The trip in town was fun. We stopped and had lunch and beers, then went  to the Pali. After, we stopped at the bookstore and I bought 2 Nora Roberts books. Then off to the Americana Video. There we bought bootlegs of ‘Sherlock Holmes’, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Its Complicated’. Satisfied, we set off for home.
The lights go off
Dunno what time at the casa
Arrgh! I went to turn on the fan in the bedroom and there was no electricity. At first, I thought the fan was out of commission, but it was the power. I tried calling ICE, but no one speaks English. All I got from the conversations was ‘No, Quepos…No, Quepos.’ ‘Graicias’ was all I could say. After a while, Charlie called with the news that he was coming back for the night and that all of Queops was without electric and water.
So, we decided to cook dinner over a wood fire in our make-shift grill. As we were preparing, the lights came back on but we said ‘Fuck it’, we would build a fire and cook the chicken, anyway. The smoke from the fire keeps the mosquitoes away and we knew Charlie was coming back to have a couple beers. So, this way we could sit on the porch without getting eaten alive.
Ben had a table made from a big wood cable spool with a top on one end. This was the table I made the grill on. When I built the grill I constructed it so there was a catch pan for ashes and a rack to build the fire on. When Ricky

came over last week to cook lunch he re arranged it and built the fire right in the pan. I had a piece of tin over the wooden top thinking this would keep the wood from catching fire. I guess not when the fire is right on the tin and not elevated because Kevin noticed that there was smoke coming from under the tin. Well, the heat burned right through the center hole of the spool. I told Kevin that the fire had to have started when Ricky was cooking. He had that fire raging for a few hours, we only cooked one piece of chicken. I remembered the old configuration of the grill and knew it was Ricky’s re-build that caused the fire.  We laughed because it was just pain funny and off we went to watch ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and Charlie went to crash in the cabina for one last night.

Sunday July 4th. 2010
Charlie leaves today
4:30 pm at the casa
After a long morning of ‘discussions’, Charlie left. The discussions started with my frustrations over not getting a call back from Gypsy about our visa run. I Knew I shouldn’t have said a word, but I did. The conversation escalated into Kevin declaring that we would just go home at the end of the month. Neither of us was ready to leave, and the while we discussed I chatted with Dee on MSN. Luckily, she was there to ‘talk’ to and a breakdown was avoided on my part.
After a few hours of discussions, Ricky came by with Francisco and smoked a Tico fatty with Kevin and I continued my chat with Nana.
Finally, he said that we promised each other we wouldn’t talk this bullshit anymore and that we promised each other we would stay a minimum of 6 months here, then re-evaluate then. So, that is what we are going to do. It just gets real hard when I or we feel like we cannot depend on anyone. It stirs the feelings of isolation and these are things we are trying to make a conscious effort to avoid. In the end we laughed and said that Gypsy would probably call tonite or in the morning. She did just that.. At 7:48pm the phone rang and it was her. She checked her schedule and as a professional house/pet sitter, luckily had nothing booked. So this week we are free to make our plans for our visa run. Something to look forward to and another hurdle cleared.
Charlie left this evening saying he would return with Kristin in about a month. For the first time, I actually believe these words. Charlie is going to backpack and camp around Costa with his girlfriend for a few weeks. Charlie made some good fiends here and had good times despite all he lost here. This is what makes me believe we will see him again. I just couldn’t help but think that this might actually be the first time Charlie left here without forgetting something…good for him.

Monday July 5th. 2010
Alone again…just the 2 of us
9:30 pm at the casa
When I saw Charlie bike onto the property, I laughed. I knew he couldn’t not forget something! The night the lights went out, he was waiting to get his bus ticket and had to wait for the electric to come on. Well, good ole Charlie lost his bus ticket. All I could say was that it is a good thing he was going to have Kristin to travel with him because he is always losing or forgetting something. With the ticket not here, now he would have to hope he could purchase another one. OY-VEY! The money its cost him just because he cant keep his head on straight….bus tickets, debit cards…yes, it’s a good thing Kristin is coming to travel with him for a while.
We headed out to the yard to take down the tearing tarps over one of the camping structures. It fills up with water when it rains and was tearing at the edges from the weight. Then, we took down the tore up electrical cord that was

running to the campsite. With the way we lose and gain power here we didn’t want a loose cord hanging. Plus, no one was coming to stay so, Kevin said fuck it. The public water doesn’t come on till after 9 most nights and stops before 5 most mornings. This is a real deal breaker for having a camp ground. How can you possibly tell someone they have to wait till between 9pm and 5am to shower…or that they are only allowed to take a 2 minute shower while we are on the tank?
Anyway, Ricky came by to take Kevin with him to get diesel. Ricky says that you spray it on the ground around the house and cabina. This will kill all the ants and mosquitoes but not harm the plants. Even though this is day 3 of Kevin having swollen glands and a poopie belly, he went along. He told me he just wanted to lay low today, but he felt up to it so off he went.
Tomorrow we will go to town to go to the travel agent and the farmacia. Here, at the pharmacy, they will dispense any drug over the counter, just not narcotics. Its my understanding that you explain to the pharmacist what ails you and they hook you up. Im thinking some antibiotics are in order for Mr. Kevin.
It took all day but Kevin downloaded ‘Eclipse’ for us to watch tonight. Cool. He fell asleep half way through…I watched the whole thing and loved it…

Tuesday July 6th. 2010
8:30 am at the casa
I woke at 6:45am, made coffee, did laundry and washed dishes. I started to make Kevin an egg sandwich and realized we were out of water. It was about 8:30...this isn’t good. The stress of it and Kevin’s reaction made a knot in my throat and tightness in my chest. I just don’t know how long I can take this. The stress of the stupid shit that goes on here will kill me, I swear. I didn’t sell all of my belongings to go home now, but I also didn’t sell it all to deal with bullshit every other day. I really want nothing ore than to go home. I cannot see living like this for 4 more months because nothing has gotten any better here.
10am at the casa
Ok, so I guess Kevin talked me down. I can breathe again. I think we are going to head to town to ‘get away’ for a few hours. Maybe we will even plan our rip to Panama.
Ricardo, from across the street, just came over and is talking to Kevin. I wonder what’s up…they are in the front yard walking around.
Kevin is talking with someone from St Augustine who is interested in coming to stay with us and commune. Heidi eluded that she and Doug are interested in an adventure like ours. So, I let her know that we are looking for someone to come stay with us on the property. Who knows, maybe it will be them….or the surfer from St Augustine. Either way, I know, that nothing will happen before it suppose to and the right person/people will come in time.
I guess Ricardo is broke and in need of money. He gave Kevin 2 pieces of art form a local and asked if he needed any help with anything. Kevin gave him a Mil and told him he can help tomorrow while he and Ricky trim some trees in the yard. Yet again, I need to focus on what I have and not what I don’t…
Later that day…
We walked to town. I needed to get out of this house. Kevin told me that the neighbors want us to cut down all the almond trees that line the property because limbs are falling on their house and impeding their farming. They knew the trees where there when they set up their little compound. Fuck, more to worry about trying to ‘keep the peace’

around here. As of we didn’t have enough to worry about. Breathe…
We had lunch at a little soda downtown. Then, went to the travel agent. She hooked us up with a deal on going to San Andres Island. All inclusive, airfare too, for 220/pp plus tax. San Andres is in the Caribbean off Columbia by Costa Rica. Its post card beautiful. We told her to get a confirmation without even asking to see anything about the hotel we were to stay in or anything…Later, around 6 she called with the reservation and asked us to come in with Kevins passport.
At around 7pm I heard what I thought was something hitting the side of the house. I wnet out a looked, and the complaining neighbor was piling bamboo and wood along the property line near a new frame of a structure. Great, more people moving in next door…and the construction…and loss of water that goes with it. I knew when I saw the frame- like structure go up the other day that there were more people moving in. We just tried not to believe it.
So, we ended the day better than it had started. Kevin fell asleep by 9 and I was up till 11. The public water didn’t start on till 10:30. I knew there was going to be a problem in the morning. I tossed and turned all night. I heard Kevin wake a  few times and check the water. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Wednesday July 7th. 2010
No water day 2...
6am at the casa
I woke and went to the out house. Came back and laid back down. I just wanted to sleep. I could feel the anxiety stirring inside me. Kevin came in and laid down with me. He told me he wrote a letter to ICE complaining about the fact that non-residents cant get cell phones. Then he told me, what I already knew, about the water.
We both wanted nothing more than to just go home. But with no where to stay when we get there and just enough money to get us going…it was going to be real hard. If we knew we had a place to stay when we got home, no doubt the white flag would have been raised.
Today Kevin and Ricky planned on trimming…even before the neighbor complained. So, as our ‘go to guy’ we asked Ricky about the water problem. He talked to Domingo, across the street and Doming was having the same problem…a lot of people were. He explained it was because of the terrain and how the water line goes up and down. There just want enough pressure to push up and down. Ok, in my mind the towel has been thrown in.
But, there was a pump and well on the property. The water in it was no good so, the guys were gonna dig up the pump and dig another well closer to the house and tie it into the plumbing. Then, Domingo told them that the existing well was deep enough. All that needed to be done was to run the pump for about 8 hours to clean out the well water. So that’s what they did and proceeded to start trimming the trees. Crisis averted, I guess. Now I have to think of the power line and how it runs through all the trees they are trimming.
For me. 2 colonapins later, I sat down to write and started a pot of black beans. I don’t know how much longer I can take this daily roller coaster ride. I love roller coasters, but, not the one labeled ‘Costa Rican life’. Maybe the key is the daily intake of prescription drugs. Doctor visits are cheap. I will have to think about this one…
So, I called the travel agent about the total cost with taxes, hoping it would be not more than 5-600.…no its 784.00. I  knew it would be high, international travel has high taxing…I  have to talk to Kevin about this one. If we do this, we cant afford to do it again in 6 and again in 9 months…we’ll see what he says. I think I need an icy cold cerveza right about now…

Monday, July 5, 2010

The last week of June...

Wednesday June 23rd, 2010
News from Ricky
4pm at the casa
Ricky stopped by today to let us know that the Ticos know who has been stealing from the commune. A Jamaican crack-head who Andy knows through the bakery. He was trying to sell Andy weed and one day it was 120 for an oz and then next it was 60. Andy told this story to Kevin on a walk to town one day. While in town, we ran across the guy and Kevin gave him 60 for weed and wound up with a bag full of tissue and plastic. Needless to say, Kevin has been stalking this guy ever since.
Ricky says he lives across the rice field and river from the commune on the main road to Quepos and comes across at low tide, it only take 10 minutes to walk. He said the ‘negro’ cant get rid of Charlie’s life jacket and still has it. Ricky said they need 30 dollars to get it back and that the Ticos would take care of it.  We think they are gonna beat the shit out of the guy, get the life jacket and keep the 30 bucks for doing it.
We called Charlie to let him know and he said he would be out tomorrow to talk with Ricky. So, we will see what happens.
I  swear this place has more drama than St. Augustine Beach and Wilton Manors combined.
As for things with Kev and I, things have calmed down considerably. Sometimes, I guess, a fight just gets the stress out….even though I hate it. We didn’t do much today, because I spent a lot of time online chatting with Wayne, Nana and Chip on MSN. That was great, like the old days…lol. I was informed that this journal is the hit of Wilton Manors and everyone that comes by reads it. They wait with baited breath for the next installment.  Who am I  to deny my fans? So, I posted the next week for them to read. I haven’t posted everything up to date yet, as I want to give everyone time to catch up. I love it, my own personal soap opera….lol.
Thursday June 24th, 2010
The drama continues
Around noon on the casa porch
Ok, so Charlie shows to retrieve his life jacket with Rickys help. Ricky comes by and explains to Charlie that the negra from in town took it and Mario (one of the two guys we caught in our yard last week, the other is the commune neighbor who we think is stealing) can get it back. He would return in an hour.
Well, he returned all right, with his dog, a knife and a black bag. In the black bag was the life vest, but it was cut apart and unusable. Because of that they only charged him 10 dollars not 30. When I saw the life vest a huge ball of anxiety grew in my chest. This wasn’t good. It was like they were sending a message…one we didn’t like. I didn’t like being in the middle of all this and it having gone down on my porch. We were just getting over the association to Ben and Lori, now we will have to overcome this…and hope nothing starts coming up missing here.
Fuck, we don’t need this drama. Charlie, enraged, left the island. Obviously, what the thieves wanted, or at least what we thought…but why? Just because he is a gringo? Plus Ricky showing up with his knife and dog….we think he was afraid there would be a fight. About 15 minutes before Ricky came back, I saw a guy crawl under the neighbors fence and look to see if he was seen, then he disappeared. We wondered if this was back up for Ricky, in case a fight ensued. I just don’t know.
Ricky looked, honestly disappointed in the condition of the vest and we figured in all his efforts he was just trying to keep the peace. Later, Charlie called and said he talked to Ricky and Domingo on his way out and asked Ricky if Mario was really the one who did this and Ricky said he thought so. Just as we suspected, because another neighbor said he saw 2 younger guys walking with it and it wasn’t the negra. Plus, the whole time , Andy and Kevin both suspected Andy’s neighbor, who now we find runs with Mario…and they were right.
So, after much talk between Kevin and I, we decided we needed to bring in our surfboards from the loft and hang them in the house. This was the only thing of ours that was left outside. We keep the ladder to the loft locked up but we could plainly see other ways to get up there and make off with the boards. Nothing else is ours and if it disappears, not our fault, all these things have been outside since we arrived. Kevin still worries about leaving Pixie in the house when we go to town. I think she is fine because there are so many dogs here, that’s the last thing someone would steal. I did make her a little poodle bag to go to town this week, but that just makes her visible to any thieves. Im not sure how going to town is going to play out from now on, but we will see.
I told Kevin that all the drama here was too much for me. We discussed it and decided that we did need someone to work-stay here, and our focus was going to be on the property and making money, trying to block out everyone else’s bullshit. Andy should be back next week, but we’ll see. If he comes back like he said, we are going to tell him he should move his structure onto our property for safety. Kevin and he had talked about it before Andy left. We decided that even if this happens, we still want someone to work-stay. The reason Being is Andy likes to do his won thing and a work-stay person would understand that part of their job is to be here when we are not.
Being here has stressed me out more in the past 2 months than anything n the states…I told Kevin I cant even settle down enough to paint. He understood. Im hoping that we find someone soon to works stay and that Andy does return and move his structure to our property. These things would help us immensely. I came here for peace not stress. So now I am on that relentless pursuit of peace if it kills me. Like I said before, this experience is bringing Kevin and I closer, except for the stress and drama. Without that we would be living ‘pura vida’. Until then, its anxiety city for both of us…

Friday June 25th, 2010
Full steam ahead
All day at the casa
Well as I promised myself, I kept my head in the fact that we need to focus our energies on the property and making money. I posted an ad on the Surf Station forums looking for a work stay person to alleviate the stress of someone always having to be here. So far, the response has been great. Kevin got contacted by a couple who want to come and stay, but they want to bring their dog. Kevin and I both said it would be great if we had another couple here, so we’ll see what happens. I was contacted by a guy who is living in Santa Teresa and started a surf camp for a Flagler Beach Surf Shop. He would be good too because he is already in the country. Our conversations with these people will continue and I am hoping one of them works out.
Glenn and Britney have contacted us and said they were coming in August to stay for a week! We were so glad to hear this. Plus, we both chatted with Richie and he hopes to come for a visit in October over his birthday. Hell yeah.
Charlie came out today and we discussed him building his structure here on the property. He and Kevin have tentative plans to start moving Alex’s old structure here at the beginning of the week. We are also hoping that Andy decides to do the same, once he returns…if he returns. He should be back sometime this week.
I also started a website to spam to get surfers here to camp. Its just in the beginning stages, but at least I  got it started.
For the past few nights I have been unable to fall asleep. Im not sure why. I have been reading ‘Exit to Eden’ every night till I cant see straight. Yet, still cant easily fall off to sleep. Cyndi has been saying something about the full moon. Maybe that’s it….its tomorrow night, and it seems to be a strong one. Not falling asleep till after 1:30 and getting up at 7 is hard on me, but I’ve been functioning pretty well on such little sleep.
Ricky came by and it seems the drama has blown over. Luckily he knows that we have no part of the issue with Charlie’s stuff going missing and its horrible return. I’ve been telling Charlie since he got there to just build and stay on the property because it is safer. He could have easily watched Andy’s space from here with the little time he has actually spent out there. Hopefully, come Monday, he will finally take us up on the invitation.

Saturday June 26th, 2010
To town and full moon tonight
All day at the casa
Today we went to town to go to the market while Charlie stayed at the house. We shopped the farmers market, went to the bakery, bought a headset for Skype and had lunch. We ate at a little soda in town and had the casado with pollo frito (fried chicken). For only 2 mil or 4 dollars we got the hugest plate of food. We had a lot of fun today in town and it made me happy and feel better. I wish we could do these things more often.
No sleepy for me
As tired as I get here, I still cannot fall asleep before midnight. Usually Kevin is asleep by 9 and I  sit and read till I just cant see straight. Yet, sleep still eludes me. This may be the reason for my anxiety most days and I hate it. I wish I could sleep long hours so the days were shorter and time passed faster for me…but no such luck.
I have even resorted to drinking a few of the strong Costa Rican beers at night but that dosent help either. Maybe a few strong rum drinks will do the trick but I havent tried that yet. I use the rum to dip my monkey bread, from the bakery, in. It reminds me of the rum cakes we had on the cruise….yummy…but doest put me to sleep.

Sunday June 27th, 2010
Ricky cooks lunch
All day at the casa
Ricky showed up just before lunch to show us how he cooks his rice and beans. The trick is sweet coconut milk. This he uses to boil chicken and cook the rice. It makes the flavor so damn good.
Charlie came by while the cooking was going on. We didn’t have all that Ricky needed to prepare the whole meal so he and Kevin both made trips to the pulperia to pick up the missing ingredients. Ricky cooked out side on both the electric burner then over fire, the way all Ticos do. The fire gets hotter than electric and is cheaper, but the smoke the wood we had was massive. We definitely need to learn what wood to use and the easiest way to start the fire. I made the little outdoor kitchen yesterday to keep the heat from in the house. So far its worked out, but no fires being built yet to cook over….maybe in time.
Abandonment issues
7pm in the casa kitchen
Well, we realized by Andy’s Facebook posts that he is not planning on returning anytime soon. This pissed me off. Why cant people just tell the truth around here? Kevin says it may have been an emotional decision but still thinks before Andy left he gave clues that he wasn’t retuning. Plus, I was pissed that if he just told the truth, Charlie wouldn’t have felt obligated to watch his structure and in turn not have his things stolen.  These events have made it to where, now not even Charlie plans on staying.
What we are planning on is taking apart the 2 structures on the commune and rebuilding them on the property here. This will give us a fighting chance of finding some people to stay, or a place for us to stay if we decide to rent out the main house weekly.
Tomorrow we will tell Charlie about our Facebook findings and see how he reacts.
The idea of Andy not returning set me off into anxiety land. I think it’s the deep seated abandonment issues I  have from when I was 19, engaged and left in a hotel room in Arizona by my fiance. Some things you just never get over. Even though I told Kevin this is why I get so upset, he understood but said it is something I need to deal with. He is right but these are feelings I have buried for so long and events here are bringing them to the surface. As Kevin slept, I  thought about these abandonment issues and why things bother me so much here. The answer I came up with might just be the fact that I am afraid I am going to lose Kevin while Im here. If something were to happen to him I would be completely alone and I think this scares me the most.

Monday June 28th, 2010
Giving the news to Charlie
8 am at the casa
We told Charlie what we found on Facebook and he was a little pissed as were we. If Andy would have only been honest the last 2 weeks would have been so much different. We could have relocated the commune structures to here and Charlie would have had a normal chance to adjust. Now, he feels as though he should just read the signs and move on from Cocal and Quepos. He and Kevin walked to the beach and he told Kevin something about the 15th. Besides the drama on Cocal, its not working out with the room he is renting in town. We told him, yet again he is welcome here. Although he and Kevin plan on moving everything to our property this week, Kevin thinks Charlie will be gone on the 15th.
We discussed it and if the guy who is living in Costa Rica is willing to come stay here, cool. If not I said maybe we should leave at the end of the month. We know financially this wont help us and know we need to stay to recoup the monies we lost in order to have a normal life at home.
Ricky came by and is replanting plantain trees. He told us we have to wait till after the full moon to do so and today was the day. So, on his way out the door to Ricky’s he said when he returned he would call Jamie, the guy in Costa and talk with him to see where it leads. Im keeping my fingers crossed because if we leave early Kevin feels like we will have been defeated and he doesn’t want that. We know we can make it here but just need a little help. As I have said before, only time will tell.
1:30 in the casa
I called Gypsy today and she just called me back. I just needed someone here to talk to. Gypsy was a priest who is now living as a woman. The only reason I say this is because her past makes her a good listener and confidant. I debriefed her on my feeling and told her I just needed someone to talk with sometimes. In her usual fashion, she was kind and supportive of whatever we wanted to do. She said it was just plain OK to have the feelings I have and yet again, assured me that leaving the house to go to town was OK and it would be safe. She also believed as I that no one would break into the house and Pixie was safe. If only Kevin would believe that whole heartedly, my anxiety could be quelled. She told me anytime I got the nerve to walk to town alone she would meet me for lunch or whatever. Also that if I ever needed an ear she was there. Plus, if we ever wanted to explore Costa Rica she would be more than happy to watch the house and/or Pixie. She, like I, believes the key to my happiness here is getting out and seeing things, even if it is just Quepos. Talking with her made me feel better because she understands the isolation of Cocal. I guess I just need to grow some balls and walk to town alone sometimes. Im not sure what Im afraid of, but I know I must get over it. Maybe this week I will go to town alone, for no other reason than to get out of the house. I didn’t come here to do things alone, but if it keeps me sane, so be it.
Ricky and Kevin have been doing some grounding of their own. Planting, replanting and taking out the wrong trees from the yard. I guess we all need a little grounding of some sort every now and then.

Tuesday June 29th, 2010
Take me to the river
All day on the beach
Last night, after talking with Ricky, I question whether or not having guests here, to camp or rent out the  house weekly, is the right thing to do here. I also spoke to our neighbor, Francisco, who asked if Charlie was part of our family. After thinking about these conversations, I really realized that the people here cant wrap their head around the idea of people who are not friends or family being on your property. Here all members of each family build on the land and commune together. In my thoughts, I realized that maybe bringing a lot of unknown people to Cocal just might  not be the right thing to do. The culture being what t is here, doing so may cause problems and we came here to live among the locals….not disrupt their way of living. Friends coming to visit is one thing, but people coming every week or so may change the way the people here look at us. Right now, the don’t look at us as any different than them. We think they think that we are being paid to be on the land so no one squats it just as our neighbor Jimmy and his family are. The locals think Ben had money, so this would make sense and explain how we are building relationships that Ben and Lori couldn’t.
So, at around 10 Kevin and Charlie said they were going to walk the beach to the river. I asked if I could go, never having been there. We took off down the beach on what was to be a 45 minute walk to the river. We stopped along the way, sat in the shade and had some pepas. They are baby coconuts that you open and drink the milk. Andy told us that way back when they would inject dying people with pepa milk because it was full of life sustaining nutrients. A lot of pepas are consumed here by the locals, you see the cracked open husks everywhere. After our pepa injection, off we went to the river. We cut off the beach to where you could see the river and it was a beautifully natural spot. The guys found a tree snake sitting in a palm frond and took pictures. By this time my broke down ankles had had it and when we got back to the beach I started heading the way of home. Oh no…they guys had to go all the way to the river mouth. I  really starting to get sore and tired and knew I had the long walk home still to endure. For me, I could have done without the extra trek to the rivers mouth, but whatever.
On the way home I was so sore it was all I could do to keep upright and not fall to the ground and cry. After a while, Charlie took off ahead of us and Kevin stayed with me. His legs were also getting sore. On the walk there is the biggest piece of driftwood I had ever seen. It was beautiful. The guys got some pictures of it on the way out and after stopping for our pepa fix, Kevin and I saw Charlie there taking pictures of something else. It was a giant green sea turtle. If she want listless you would think she was still alive. No damage o her whatsoever. She was beautiful, but it made me sad to see her lifeless. As we were looking at her the sea was taking her back and we walked on.
What seemed like days later, we finally arrived home. FUCK! It was now after 3pm. We had been walking the beach for 5 hours! The soft sanded inclined beach….I was sure glad to be home. My feet were begging for something like a fast food joint so I wouldn’t have to stand on the concrete floor to cook dinner, but so be it. I make a rum drink and sat down for a while. Later, I made dinner and watched the start of the Nip/Tuck dvd’s Lori had left while Kevin played some video games. After 3 episodes, I fell off to sleep.

Wednesday June 30th, 2010
On the homefront
All day at the casa
Today I spent the day at home cooking. I  needed to cook off the veggies from the market and some beans. I made a list of what we need from the Pali, maybe we will go to town tomorrow.
I got to talk to my girl Christine and my babies, Evan and Eva. We talked on Skype and its free! Its so nice to be able to touch base with home. Although it makes me miss home just a tiny bit more. I think Im holding up better, just trying to focus on what I have and not what I don’t. It makes all the difference in the world. Even still, Kevin’s conviction wanes. This morning he was frustrated with everything again. But luckily, today was the day he and Charlie went to take down the structures in the commune for us to build something nice here. Ricky was there to help them and after they finished and had lunch, headed off to the rice fields to hunt iguanas….yes, iguanas. Ticos eat them here.
So, with everyone gone again I get to sit and think. I try to make the conscious effort to see only the beauty here as I sit on the porch. The rains have just begun, it had been thundering since before the guys left. These are the hardest times, the alone times. But I find things to do like cook and write to distract me. The other day I even painted a sign, just a simple one, but at least there was a brush in my hand. I still want to figure out this drift wood furniture thing, too. Yesterday I saw so many cool pieces on the beach that it makes me want to be sure to do something with what I’ve collected so far.
Its been just about 2 months here, for us. I think of all we’ve been through in such a short time and its no wonder some days we want to throw in the towel. But we really do like it here and as the days pass we feel more and more contented. Sometimes it’s the mornings that are hard for us, I don’t know why. Hopefully all the anxiety will pass and we can enjoy our time here more and more. Im confident we will. After all, we’ve only got 10 months to go. If I can stay positive, I think it will help Kevin, too….and that’s a good thing.
Today may be the last we see of Charlie. With the structure gone there is nowhere for him to stay unless he opts for the cabina. He wrote on our white board some Spanish verbs and phrases to learn that would help us the most here,  which was real cool. His girlfriend is flying in on the 12th and he wants to go white water rafting for a few days before he heads to San Jose to meet her. He said something about maybe coming back, but you already know how that goes…lol.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June...week 3

Sunday May 16th, 2010
Enjoying the peace
All day at the casa
We knew Dan would be home sometime today. So, we took our last hours alone and delighted in our new life here at the casa.
Dan arrives home
8:30pm on the casa porch
We had already started a movie and I was sleepy. Kevin heard Dan out in his locker and went out to talk to him. He spoke of how strong the LSD was here in Central America and of his adventure tripping alone in the jungle. He wandered away alone but in earshot of the rave and had an incredible time. This was good to hear, because tomorrow there was work to be done around the casa and we needed Dan’s help.

Monday May 17th, 2010
Dan lazes around & I build a shower surround
All day at the Casa
We woke, had breakfast and got right to it. There were plenty of leaves to be raked and I wanted to close in the outdoor shower by the house. Dan had other ideas. He was ‘hung over’ from the rave and tired from lack of sleep. He got up late and wasn’t feeling well, tired mostly. While eating lunch, his Mom called. It was a short but sweet conversation. After that, he showered and hung out in the hammock, on the porch, for the rest of the day.
I, on the other hand, was motivated to build a surround at the outdoor shower. There were no limbs or branches cut to make the posts. So, I disassembled the make-shift grill area in the campground. No one was using it and was an eye-sore. The posts were a little thicker than I needed but, I built away, anyway. I had fun doing it, even though it was quite the little undertaking.  Much to my dismay, in all the tools left behind, there was no staple gun. I had to nail in tacks to hold the plastic onto the posts. It was harder than it would seem, but I got the Job done.
Kevin raked and burned leaves. I actually got Dan to help with the lighting of the fires with Kevin. That was all he did and went back to the hammock.
Needless to say, this pissed off Kevin. Dan was suppose to be here to help and wasn’t. I to put him at ease by saying it was because of his wild weekend and that Dan would be back to normal tomorrow. Kevin never said a word to Dan, but complained to me that Dan was just not a worker.
In conversation, I let Dan know that he was a nice guy, but one to do physical labor? No. We all just laughed it off and Dan told us things like, he took the first part of the military entrance exam and not the 2nd. He also announced that he had to go back to the states because his family was moving from New York to Florida. He had told us when Ben and Lori were still here about the move but, never mentioned leaving. We knew his 90 days was drawing near and he had to have his passport stamped soon. So, the trip wasn’t much of a surprise. He mentioned that he would be leaving within a week or so and be back in 2 weeks. No problem. We knew we had a lunch date with Gypsy the next day. We asked Dan if he could stick around the Casa and hold down the fort, as we had no idea how long we would be. He said sure no problem.
We all went off to bed that night, after dinner and conversation on the porch.

Tuesday May 18th, 2010
Dan sneaks away
6:00 am at the cabina
Kevin woke early this morning, as he usually does. He went out to change the water from public to the eco tank and found Dan packing to leave. Usually, Dan doesn’t wake till around 10am. To see him up so early surprised Kevin. He went in and talked to him and Dan announced he was leaving for town and if he could get a ticket home today he was going, if not he’d be back. Dan never came back.
When I woke and Kevin told me I was more disappointed than surprised. After all, Ben had warned that at any moment Dan could be gone. I was hoping Dan would at least stay long enough to give living with us a shot and long enough for us to settle in. Kevin thought maybe it was all the acid he did over the weekend that caused Dan’s leaving. We don’t know. Since that day we haven’t heard from Dan.
Lunch in town with Gypsy
Noon in Downtown Quepos
Well, we decided to go meet Gypsy and not leave the casa unmanned. We had done it just a few days before and Kevin was still unsure. So, he walked to the commune to talk with Andy. He told him about Dan and asked if he would hang out on the porch while we went to town. Andy obliged us and we met Gypsy right on time at the designated spot.
We told her we wanted to have lunch somewhere ‘local’. After all, you can only eat so much Chicken on the Run. She took us to a Cuban restaurant. The owners were Cuban by way of Tampa, Florida. We had some yummy fried plantains as an appetizer. Kevin ordered his first hamburgesa in Costa Rica and I chose the nachos. Gypsy had a casado and probably made the best choice. Kevin wasn’t thrilled with the Costa Rican version of the hamburger but my nachos were fine sans cheese as cheese was expensive in Quepos. I was hoping for a Cuban sandwich but there were none on the menu. The owner explained that it was because the price of pork here was outrageous. It seemed most meats were expensive here.
After lunch Gypsy took us to pay the electric and phone bill which totaled 180 dollars. The Whitefield’s left us 130. So, Kevin had to go next door to withdraw the money out of his bank account because they didn’t take credit cards. This had him pissed off because he uses his bank account monies to pay his bills. Now his account would be short. We let Gypsy know how they stiffed us and that we would get another outrageous bill the following month because of their being in the house for 2 weeks during the next billing cycle. All she could say way, ‘Just let them know, Im sure
they will send you the money.” Wow, Gypsy really had no idea of their financial situation, or how they were constantly on the make.
Then off to ICE, the electric/phone/internet company to find out about getting a wireless card for my laptop. The clerk explained we needed to buy a data card and gave Gypsy a list of people in town who might have them. The wait in ICE was longer that expected. Kevin was getting antsy after his bill pay experience, but managed enough patience for us to find the right store and put my name on the waiting list for one. They were to be in by the 15th of next month.
Back at the Casa
4pm on the casa porch
We had no idea what time it was when we returned. Andy was still on the porch writing on his laptop. We had left before 11 am and it was now 4pm. It felt like Gypsy ran us all over town and I couldn’t even imagine how to find the computer store again. We were tired and thankful of Andy’s help and invited him to stay for dinner, in thanks.
I whipped up a quick meal and we enjoyed dinner on the porch. We decided that almost 6 hours being gone was way too long. We had even discussed our situation with Gypsy, earlier, over lunch. She advised us not to lock the shutters on the house that face the street. She said it would be too obvious that we were gone. Also, that 4 hours was tops to be away from the house unattended. We all concurred with what she said .
The disappointment that Dan was gone set in. I  felt as though I would be the one always at the house while Kevin went to town. This bummed me out and I let Kevin know. He totally understood and we vowed that we wouldn’t be gone more than 3 hours or so if and when we went to town without anyone to watch the house.

Wednesday May 19th, 2010
Glen & Brit don’t arrive
Do Nothing day
All day at the Casa
After our big day in town we decided to take a break. A  lot has gone on in the past week, since the Whitefield’s left the casa and Costa Rica. We were drained. I looked at the calendar on the refrigerator and noticed that today was the day Glen and Britney were suppose to come and visit. They had booked their reservations through the website even before we arrived, knowing that we were taking over. It was Britney’s birthday and they were taking a surf trip. One of their stops was to stay with us. We had known they contacted Lori to change the date, but Lori could remember when they changed it to. Without the internet, it was hard to keep in touch with people because phone calls were so expensive. We couldn’t wait to get that damn data card and internet but, the 15th didn’t seem that far off.

Thursday May 20th, 2010
Lunch with Gypsy and her Roatan friends
12:00  noon Quepos
Today we made our way to town, to meet Gypsy and her friends from Roatan, for lunch. At the casa, we had told Gypsy that we really loved Roatan, about the cruise and our thoughts of moving there. She mentioned she had some friends in town from Roatan and she would try to arrange lunch. So, we were to meet them at the Mira Olas restaurant in the Best Western. It was on the 3rd floor and had great views.
When we got there we didn’t see Gypsy. As we were ordering our Pilsen’s, she rounded the corner. She showed us to the table and introduced us to her friends. Alex and Kelly, from Roatan, by way of New York. The biggest piece of information we got form them was that Roataon was much less expensive than Costa Rica with its American prices with 1/3 of the average income. We also came to realize that we could make this ‘international house sitting’ thing a real job. One of the first questions Kelly asked me was if we house sat professionally or something like that. Taken back by the question, I answered no. Later, Kevin pointed out that yes we do. For example, Rebecca’s home and he was right. I was more caught up in the ‘out of the country’ aspect of the question. Once we get the internet, damn it, we could open so many doors! We took Alex’s card and Kelly’s name, to add her on Facebook We said our good byes and rushed home. Today Pixie was in the house alone while we went to town. The dreaded unmanned casa.
Earthquake hits
5:00pm at the Casa
I was in the bedroom, Kevin and Andy on the front porch. Standing at the corner of the bed, I felt the ground move under my feet. Then heard some clanging in the kitchen. It was the strangest sensation I had ever experienced. Then, I realized it was an earthquake. I ran outside to where Kevin and Andy stood dumbfounded. Kevin exclaiming how he thought the roof was gonna come down. We all were amazed, none having felt an earthquake before.
We came to find out that the earthquake hit Quepos at a 5.2 on the richter scale. This was the biggest earthquake to hit the area in years. At that point we all were wondering what the next year had in store for us.

Friday May 21st, 2010
Rearranging the bedroom
9am in the casa bedroom
Kevin and Andy had gone to town. Kevin had said that he wasn’t sleeping well in the full size bed in the casa. This I thought was at least a queen, since Lori told me to bring some sheets of that size. I had to agree that the full size bed was just a bit too small for us. Nana’s queen did the job, but this wasn’t Nana’s bed.
In the corner of the bedroom sat a twin size mattress with its frame stood up on its side to house a few boxes and such left behind by Ben and Lori, a make-shift closet. Because of our sleeping dilemma, I decided to take the frame and mattress down. Luckily the two bed frames were the same height. So, I stood them side by side to make a bigger than king sized bed. I stuffed the space where the frames met with blankets, for comfort and slid all of the boxes left behind under the beds.
When he came come, Kevin was surprised and happy to see a bed that we might actually get some sleep in.
Andy busts up his elbow
2:30pm at the beach out front
Kevin and Andy decided to go in the water. Kevin to surf and Andy to swim and body surf. I stayed behind, doing whatever chores and cooking needed to be done. While on the porch, Andy came back not looking so happy. He was holding his arm and explained what had happened. While trying to body surf, the wave doubled up on him and threw him to the shallow bottom. His elbow is what hit the hardest. Not sure if he broke it, he grabbed some things and went home.
That evening, he came by to tell us he took the bus to the hospital. They checked it out, said it wasn’t broken and gave him some pain killers. At least it wasn’t broken, but he was still in a lot of pain. My toe was still killing me. So, I knew it would be a few weeks before that elbow would feel any better.

Saturday May 22nd, 2010
More of the same chores, chores, chores
All day at the casa
Not much happened today. Kind of peaceful being in the groove of doing the household chores…raking and burning leaves, laundry, sweeping and cooking. Life at its simplest.

Sunday May 23rd, 2010
Kevin finds the “ultimate” surf spot
10am near the Quepos pier
This morning, after a day of chores and chilling, Kevin was itching to surf. The waves out front hadn’t been that great. Kevin swore it was much like being in St. Augustine. The waves had the same mushy, crumbly feel to them. Although more powerful, being the Pacific.
So, he decided to walk the beach and see of he could find a better break. South of us you can sometimes see people surfing and decided to check it out. He came back around the same time Andy arrived. He was stoked and wanted to surf the waves by the Quepos pier. So, he and Andy went off. Andy and his elbow were only going to watch.
When they returned Kevin was so happy talking of his ultimate surf spot here on Cocal. I was happy for him, just disappointed the walk was so far. It would be fun to try and get some pictures of him surfing soon.
Mike shows up a la Tico Time
1:30pm on the Casa porch
Not long after the guys got back from their surf expedition, Mike the baker showed up. Andy had mentioned that Mike may stop by the night before and bring some things from the bakery. He never showed. When he popped up on the porch, I was left with an uneasy feeling. People showing up unannounced made me weary.
We greeted Mike and exchanged pleasantries. My neck was bothering me so I just laid in the hammock with my head on the porch rail. It was strangely comfortable and took the pressure off my neck. Mike offered beers I declined, Kevin accepted. No sooner was a beer finished and Mike was asleep in the other hammock.
Andy had things to do so went back to his place. Kevin and I went inside to lay down. After a while, we heard Mike get up, drink another beer and leave. My take on this guy was that he wasn’t someone I wanted to hang out with. Something about him just wasn’t right.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The first 2 weeks of JUNIO

(Andy and Kevin on the porch)
Tuesday June 1st, 2010
On the News
7am on the Casa TV
Well, as it turns out, the Arenal volcano erupted last night. That’s what must have caused the tremors that I felt, because no word of an earthquake. If I knew Spanish, I could write  more. The language barrier thing. I could figure out that it hasn’t erupted in over 42 years, The footage they showed wasn’t a giant eruption, but lava was spilling just the same and a pouf of smoke.  Actually, during last week, a much larger eruption happened in Equador. Once again, language barrier, but figured out they closed the schools there…a volcano day in lieu of a snow day…things really are different in Central America.
Lori called today, first time in 2 weeks. She seemed to be just checking on us. I told her all was well, and about the $50 they were short and she said that we could get it from Gypsy. Later, Gypsy called to say she would have our money in a few days.
We realized that it was the 1st and the only reason Lori called was to find out about Mike. Fishing for money, I would guess. Today was the day that their ‘lease agreement’ with Mike was to begin. Looks like that agreement had been broken.
No Water at Noon.
12:30 pm in the Casa kitchen
The eco tank will usually last us all day. We usually still have water when we flip it over to public pressure at night. This seemed unusual to us so I called Lori back to talk with her about it. We decided that if we didn’t get water that night, we would call back.
We got water aright…
8pm at the Casa
After Andy left, I cooked some dinner, and we had public pressure to wash dishes and shower. This meant if the eco tank didn’t fill overnight, there was a problem. It started to rain after dinner, and by 8pm it felt like we were in the middle of a hurricane. Winds were gusting and clocking around randomly. We heard noises in the open attic, we hoped the surfboards were OK, trees were knocking against the tin roof and we heard all types of strange noises in the storm. By 9pm we had no water or electric and it sounded like the plastic sheeting on the roof was being torn off…and that it was. Kevin was asleep and didn’t know about the electric and I accidentally woke him up looking for my flashlight to go investigate. Coming back in, drenched from the heavy rains, I confirmed exactly what I heard. We were worried about Andy, he has an open style structure on land that easily floods. With all the wind and rain we hoped he could find a dry spot. All we could do was try to sleep and hope by morning we had water and electric. Little did we know what was in store for us at daybreak…

Wednesday June 2nd, 2010
Should I stay or should I go now?
5:30am at the Casa
Packs of dogs were running wild all night barking in the yard. Which, in turn, Made Pixie bark while nestled by my head. Needless to say, not much sleep was had and the morning sun crept up quickly. I heard Kevin get up and the sun wasn’t quite up yet. Then I heard Andy’s voice and the poodle started her barking. Fuck! So, I got up to access the damage, too. It was a disaster. We still had no power or electric, but that wasn’t a surprise to me. Looking outside, it was a disaster. The tin roof on the outhouse was ripped off, the plastic sheeting on the roof was hanging off at the gable ends, pieces of the plastic littering the yard. 2 large almond trees, that were part of the property fencing, were down, tearing down the fence and blocking the path to the beach. Andy jumped right on it with his machete. Hacking limbs and trunks like a professional. Kevin wrangled with the barbed wire and I grabbed the machete Dan left behind. Heading to the beach, I hacked up some smaller downed trees. Andy and Kevin went to check the electric box and all were torn out of their places by winds and downed trees, they too need repair. We got word that a village outside of Quepos was destroyed and that most of the region was without power. All the way up to Jaco, which is an hours drive north. So, the  guys went to town to see more of the story. Andy speaks Spanish, and can gather information from the Ticos. They were really going to see what kind of damage occurred in town and gather whatever information they could about the electric and water.
Coffee anyone?
9am in the Casa kitchen
After the guys left, I decided to build a little wood burning grill out of cinderblocks and wire racks. I saw the Ticos next door do it and I thought maybe I could eek out some coffee. I got the fire burning well enough and hot enough to make about 1/3 of the pot of my little stove top espresso maker. The fire was hard to keep burning, not having any dry wood. So, I drank my 2 sips of coffee and gave up.
Kevin took the phone with him to town. He plans on informing the Whitefield’s of the damage to their roof, outhouse and fence. Not to mention the days of clean up that were needed. Now, this isn’t our property. We are just renting and its only been 2 weeks in. Up keeping on the yard was one thing. Roof and fence repair plus extensive clean up are not in our contract…to do or pay someone to do. Andy concurred and I know Kevin isn’t going to do that type of work on the property, nor is he going to pay someone to. So, Ben and Lori will have a choice this morning. Either come back and fix it or send us the money to have it done. Neither, we know is in the cards. As the guys see it, unless the Whitefield’s do one or the other, they will have to relinquish rights to the property. That’s all fine and well, but unless we get power and water within a reasonable time period, I don’t think Kevin will want to stay. Quite frankly, Ive already said it out loud, we may be changing those plane tickets soon and packing our shit.
10am same place
As I here alone writing, I cry. We had such high hopes for the coming year. But with all the bullshit, I wonder what the fuck. We gave up everything we owned to come here and live this dream. OK, fine 2 weeks after I moved to Key West, hurricane Georges hit the island had no power or water for 10 days. But we aren’t in the States and I didn’t give up everything to go to Key West. Honestly, it could be an infinite amount of time to get power and water here. Especially since the power meter box needs repair. If Ben doesn’t pay to have it fixed, we might as well start packing now. Plus this is just the beginning of the rainy season.
I smell like smoke from trying to start the fire. Maybe I will go for a swim. Maybe that will make me feel better…
Not that bad…?
12 noon At the Casa
The guys returned with news that all was well in Quepos. They had electricity and it was business as usual…a good sign. Although, problems still loomed at the casa. So, the three of us, machetes in hand, started  chopping the large branches that were down in the yard. I was frustrated and swinging that machete like no ones business. Then the guys took off to see what they could do to help the neighbors and wound up putting up ours and our neighbors electric boxes, among other things. I proceeded to clean up the yard and all was looking normal by the time the guys got back.
Tico monkeys
3pm on the casa roof
While cleaning up the yard, I saw the Tico neighbors in the almond trees, topping them so they wouldn’t do any damage in the next storm. They were high atop trees hootin and hollerin, having a great old time. I loved it. These locals were amazing.
The next problem at hand was the roof. After seeing the Ticos and how the climb, I thought maybe we should ask the neighbor how to fix the problem. The pitsch on the roof is so steep that Kevin nor Andy could figure out how to navigate the slope. So, with Andy able to speak enough Spanish to get by, we had him ask how to fix the problem. Within minutes, he got the neighbor on the other side of us and they were stringing up our ladder to the roof, climbing up on precarious spots, fixing our roof. The whole time we stood in amazement helping any way we could. Kevin was exclaiming, “And you want to leave this??”, encouraged by the ease of the Tico help we received and the sense of community he experienced that day. After all, we were left, with the idea that the locals were people not to be trusted, for Ben and Lori. This just didn’t seem to be the case. Although, while in town, Kevin called them to inform them of the situation and they told us not to worry that everyone would help us. They did just that.
Dinner time
4:30 pm on the casa porch
With everything coming together, we decided to start a fire with the charcoals Kevin picked up in town and managed to prepare a meal for the 3 of us. We were getting a sense that all would be alright, even without electricity and water. The rains began again and we took every bucket we had to catch rainwater. Some we used that night to bathe, flush the toilet and wash dishes. We hoped that the new day would bring us the things we were still missing.

Thursday June 3rd, 2010
The case of the missing board shorts & 1 month in Costa Rica
7am at the casa
Well, we woke to no water or electric day 2. The stresses were starting to get to us both, with Kevin ready to throw in the towel. We needed to recover one or the other to keep our hopes up. So, we busied ourselves with yard clean up after I managed to Kevin breakfast, coffee for myself. I decided to keep the fire going and cook off all the meats that had defrosted in the freezer. I accomplished it all with charcoal left for our evening dinner.
After some yard work we were filthy and decided to take a swim to clean off. Then Kevin realized that his designated work board shorts were missing. He remembers them being in the shower that morning and not wearing them because they needed washing. From there he cannot remember what he did with them. So, off and on the search for the board shorts continued into the next morning. They were no where to be found and this left Kevin wondering what the hell he did with them. He had put some damp clothes on the line but swears they weren’t hung with them. The casa was small so finding them in there would have been easy. Had someone stolen them or were they misplaced?
Well, with one month in Costa Rica under our belts, 10 days in a tent, a volcano eruption, 2 earthquakes and one surprise tropical storm, we were nervously excited for the next 11 months to unfold.
3:30pm at the casa
With Kevin frustrated, he had me calling ICE,  the electric company. I can barely speak Spanish and understand just a
bit more. So I tried. The first call yielded me the information to call back and press 1, and I did. Not understanding the recording, I just gave up. Within minutes of my call, we heard the hum of the refrigerator and realized the power was back on! Hell yeah.
With renewed hope, we decided to conquer our last task at hand, fixing the fence where the tree had fallen. With shovel and machete in hand, I headed out and Kevin followed. In no time we had the fence fixed. Things were really getting back to normal. We just had to see what would happen with the water.
Rain and Water
4:30pm in the casa yard
It started raining again, with winds kicking up. The almond tree by the porch was swinging and Andy and Kevin thought we should trim the tree. So in a light drizzle, Andy climbed the tree chopping the precarious branches off with his machete. I chopped them up and Kevin hauled them off. We were all soaked and Kevin decided to walk down to the public water faucet and fill up 2 gallons with fresh water. By the time he came back, the rain had stopped for a short while. With our buckets filling with rain water, I prepared another meal for the 3 of us.
Public Pressure
7pm at the casa
With dinner finished and the rains still coming we realized we had water. The public pressure lasted the whole night and we were stoked. The eco tank should be filling up so we would have water the next day. That is unless there is a problem with the water on our end. We would have to wait till morning to see. We decide to watch a dvd and I chose “The Perfect Storm”, quite a choice considering the news we would receive in the morning.

Friday June 4th, 2010
Word of another storm tonight
8am at the casa
Kevin has bites on his feet and wanted to stay off them for a day. Meaning, no walking to town or laborious yard work. While having coffee, Andy came by with news from Ricky, a Tico neighbor, that another storm was coming tonight. Kevin had put the TV on and I saw some news of the last storm not realizing they were telling of another storm tonight. Andy was going to town to check online to see the possibility of this happening again. So, Kevin decided to go with him to get supplies in case the worst was to come again.
I prepared garbanzos for hummus, along with black beans for dinner tonight. I also used all of our unused rainwater to do laundry, while I had the chance. We would just have to wait and see.
Is it Sasha or Alex?
3pm in the casa front yard
As we were continuing our storm clean up in the very front of the yard, a guy walks up and says ‘You must be Sherri’. Needles to day, I was a little surprised as no one here knows my name, let alone some gringo dude Ive never seen. He was coming from the way of the commune, so I thought he may be a friend of Andys. H e said hes staying at the commune and his name was Sasha. Interesting, Andy didn’t speak of anyone coming or staying at the commune besides Alex. A friend of Dan’s  who came to live in the commune but, left a day or two after our arrival. I thought I remembered Andy say that he and Tracy (‘bike girl’) as Lori named her) had been back for a day or so talking about going to the states. So after asking a few questions, I finally said, ‘are you Alex?’…and he said yes. I asked why Sasha and his reply was ‘Its Alex in Russian’. Hummmm… Something tells me this wasn’t true.
Anyway, he proceeded to give us information on Ben, such as he was growing and selling weed on Cocal and selling mushrooms in Quepos. So maybe the  Tico rumors were true… He also informed us that before they came here they took out a bunch of credit cards and ran them up to build their life here. Funny thing was, it seemed that only half of the information we were given was true. Mostly random things he lied about, like his name. Weird.
Setting the neighbors straight
4pm in front of the casa
After our talk with Alex, I decided to paint over all the rasta colors on the front and back fence rails. With the rumors of drug dealing and the Whitefield’s ‘running away from trouble’, we thought it would be a good idea to try and disassociate ourselves from the ratsta’s. After I was finished, the neighbors across the street asked, again, about Ben. He tried his best to explain that we were no primo to Ben, meaning that we were not his cousins as he told everyone, and that Ben had to leave because of no dinero.

Saturday June 5th, 2010
Market in the am…dinner with Andy in the pm
8:30am  downtown Quepos
Another Saturday like last. We got up and headed for the market, Pali and internet. Its always so nice to go to town and change my scenery. I like that.
With all the fresh veggies, I invited Andy to dinner. He accepted and we had a nice dinner and conversation that night. Andy spoke of his eminent departure for his passport stamp.  He said he was planning a trip to Panama but would be back in a few days. We smoked and chatted after dinner until after sundown.
Bad dreams and anxiety attacks all night
9pm in the casa bedroom
I cannot remember what could have caused the horrible night I had. I having bad dreams and anxiety attacks. It could have been anything. I just had this feeling of impending doom or that something is wrong with someone I love. With no internet, its hard to check on people, or at least check in. These thoughts probably intensified the anxiety and bad dreams. The next morning would be the first time I let Kevin know the negative feelings I have.

Sunday June 6th, 2010
Admitter of dismay
8am in the casa kitchen
This morning I told Kevin about how I was feeling. He totally understood and we talked of many things. Our mixed emotions, feelings about being here and the isolation. It was a long talk and we both got a lot out. We talked over coffee and I started feeling better, but not 100%.
Visitors galore
11am at the casa
Alex, Andy, Alvin & Susan, Catalina & Bano….and Ricky all stopped by today. Alex first then on his leaving Andy arrived. We were on the porch chatting it up and I looked towards the front yard. There were 3 unknown people rolling toward the house on Segways. It was a little alarming so I called for Kevin. He came around and looked dumbfounded. Then the man said that it was Alvin. Alvin is  the person who helped Ben and Lori with their yard sale in town. Kevin had met him but I never had.
He had with him Catalina and her son. Catalina owns 2 hotels in Manuel Antonio and just bought property on Cocal. She wants to start a Segway tour out here. She was exclaiming how beautiful Playa Cocal is but we need to clean it up. She was talking about the trash that litters the road. Alvin was trying to help us out by bringing a new business owner to us who is in the tourism industry thinking we could help each other. Alvin let us know he offered to help the Whitefields get business but from what I  gather they were unreceptive.
After they left, we got a good laugh about the Segways. A laugh that lasted days, If you were here you would understand that this is not the place for Segway tours. Everyone is hoping they pave the road on Cocal, but some of the Ticos say there is no way it will happen.
Moldy and Musty
2pm in the casa loft
There was a suitcase left by a friend of Lori’s in the loft. We know that before they left, Lori went through the bag before putting it up in the loft. The first 10 days it was left on the porch, I don’t know how long it had sat there. 
Today Kevin noticed it was covered with mold, as was his board bag. We decided to take the suitcase down and check the contents. It wind up that the roof issue during the storm left the bag full of mold, inside and out. I separated what I thought I could salvage for their friend but the suit case itself was a total loss. Before the storm, it had been outside for 4 months. I washed what I could get the mold and musty smell out of, which wasn’t much. The rest went to the trash. We felt bad but there wasn’t much we could do. We did not know this Sara or any way to get in touch with her. Lori was suppose to let her know they were leaving and to come get her stuff asap. No one heard from her before Ben and Lori left and Kevin let them know we weren’t going to be responsible for other peoples things and that we were not going to allow people to just leave stuff here.
There was another person with a bag in the loft and a boogie board. Someone form Quepos. We also had watched Ben and Lori going through his things wanting to keep his IPOD. He had come the day after they left to pick up his stuff. I think it had only been there for a couple weeks, but according to Lori she was hoping he didn’t come before they left so she could keep the IPOD. I wonder how much of Sara’s stuff they took with them to the states…

Monday June 7th, 2010
Andy’s announcement
1130am on the casa porch
Today Andy had gone to town early and was home before noon. He told us that while online at the bakery he found real cheap tickets to Barcelona and bought them. He said he would be back in 2 and a half weeks. He was going to tour Europe and go home to Germany to see his family. We were happy for him but in the back of our minds the nagging thought that he wouldn’t return ate at us.
Clean up with Ricardo
1pm in front of the casa
When Andy arrive he and mentioned that the neighbor across the street was asking about the pile of debris out front. Ben had started a pile to burn on the street before he left. He never burned it because it never dried out, the spot was shaded from the sun. After the storm Kevin added to the pile and this was the 2nd time a neighbor had mentioned the pile to us though Andy. So, the guys went out front to see if they could decipher what the  neighbors wanted done.
It turns out that the neighbors name was Ricardo, an older man who obviously liked to drink. Kevin and Andy told him they were on the way to the pulperia  and when the returned he could move the branches to his back yard as fill from the mangroves. He asked for a couple of Mil and some drink from the store. So, when they got to the pulperia and asked for the drink, the owner looked at him funny and shocked that they knew he sold liquor. Another local came by and just told them to give them what Ricardo drinks because Andy was trying to explain it wasn’t for them.
They returned and Kevin helped Ricardo with the clean up. Ricardo downed half of the small bottle before they started and before they could finish was passed out on the ground. Kevin just laughed because the drink turned out to be straight vodka so, he knew Ricardo was drunk. Kevin finished up and came home telling me this funny adventure with Ricardo.

Tuesday June 8th, 2010
Off to town
9:30am  downtown Quepos
Bright and early Ricardo came by looking for the colones we owed him for moving the tree limbs, which Kevin did most of…lol. We were surprised he remembered considering he was so drunk. He remembered everything and we figured he woke hungry and needed the money for food.  We got a kick out of Ricardo and got ready to go to town to pick up some necessities from the Pali. It was just another typical run into town and for me the always welcome change from the casa property.
Alex stops by, he’s leaving
6:30pm on the casa porch
Just when Andy needed someone to stay at the commune, Alex lets us know hes leaving. We talked about it with Andy and he just figured that Alex just didn’t want to stay out there alone and, like us, was afraid he wouldn’t return. His ticket was in a few days, he would be gone before Andy. He said he might be back in a month, but he probably wouldn’t.
Later, with Andy, I joked, ‘If you don’t return, we will have officially run all the gringos off Cocal.’ He just laughed. I hoped that wasn’t true.

Wednesday June 9th, 2010
Morning of chores
7:00am around the casa
Same ole, same ole at the casa. Some days are just your typical day in Costa Rica…cooking and cleaning.
Kevin gets Spanish lessons
2pm on the casa porch
Today Ricky came by. Andy had told me he sells fruits grown from his yard, in town. I had not gotten any fruit this week so I let Ricky know that when he had fruit I would buy from him. Later he came by with avocados, passion fruit bananas, coconuts, mangoes and another indigenous fruit I cannot remember the name of, it was quite a deal at 2 mil or $4.
Afterwards, Kevin and Ricky sat on the porch chatting and then started exchanging words in Spanish and English with a dictionary. It was a good thing, Kevin’s first Spanish lessons. If I could get the verbs down, I’d be doing good. It was fun watching Kevin bond with a local, it made it feel like we were really becoming a part of the community.

Thursday June 10th, 2010
Strange call from Mike and peeping neighbors
7am in the casa kitchen
Early in the morning the phone rang. It was Mike from the bakery asking us to go to the commune and tell Alex he needed to see him. Yesterday Mike got some pills from Alex and while Andy was in the bakery a woman came in with the police because Mike owed her money. Mike referenced this and said something about Alex knowing people who could ‘take care of this’ for him. Something about beating people up. WHAT THE FUCK?  You call here at 7 am for this crap…I told you I wasn’t real impressed with this guy.
Then, Kevin watches a kid from next door peeping over the fence every time he heard the door close. He watched him for a while and swore he was sizing something up to steal. He also thought maybe he took his board shorts. We never figured out what the older teen kid was doing, but this started a new wave of paranoia in the house. I didn’t think much of it, but Kevin did. It took a while for this wave to subside and nothing ever came up missing.
Alex and Andy stop by
10am on the casa porch
Today is the day Alex leaves. He came by while Andy and Kevin went to town. I told him about Mikes call and he got sketchy. He wound up leaving his backpack on the porch and took off for town. He said he would be back for it, he had to catch the bus to San Jose today. Well, he came back…a half hour before the bus was set to leave for downtown Quepos. No one thought he would make it…who knows if he did.

Friday June 11th, 2010
Baking bread
10am in the casa kitchen
Today I found enough ingredients to bake bread and make rice pudding. So, for a change of pace, this is how I spent my morning. I had fun and the bread came out yummy but a little heavy. The rice pudding wasn’t sweet enough for
Kevin to enjoy but, still came out good.
Charlie arrives
6pm on the casa porch
This was our last night to spend with Andy. So, we invited him  for dinner. He enjoyed the bread and suggested trying more yeast and kneading, to make it lighter.
Just as we were finishing Charlie showed up. He is someone Andy met at the bakery. A gringo from New Orleans who has been in Quepos for 5 days and wanted to stay at the commune. Excellent. Someone to watch Andy’s stuff and another gringo on Cocal. He speaks pretty fluent Spanish so, that helps. Someone to communicate with the Ticos when we need it. He seems cool enough and we were glad he was here.

Saturday June 12th, 2010
Off to the Market
8:30am downtown Quepos
Today Andy watched the house while we went downtown. Charlie came to the market with us. Went online no word from anyone. Lori booked a guest. One person on July first for a few days. He was interested in work stay. Fuck, we had told Lori we wanted to find our own person…someone who we vibed with. Why cant people just listen? This whole Ben and Lori thing pretending they are still here bullshit was getting on my last nerve. We paid to be here, we aren’t their fucking staff.
Anyway, grabbed some fresh veggies and went to the Pali. We made it home by noon, just like we promised Andy.
Andy leaves
12:30pm on the casa porch
As easily as he was in our lives, he walked out of it. Just like any other day, going to town. Just this time to catch a bus to San Jose, where he would, in  turn catch a direct flight to Barcelona, Spain. I’ve said it before. I don’t remember how or when I met Andy but, he has left the best impression on us. He’s a no bullshit person, straight up. That’s  Andy. We have found full truths in all he has spoke of. Not the half-truths of the other. It should be easy to believe him when he says he will return in 2 ½ weeks. We are already were jaded by the transient line that return was eminent…someday. Everyone one who has left so far is not coming back, within said time frame. We don’t even
think Ben and Lori are returning to their home.
There’s just that something different about Andy that gives us hope that he will return.  He love the land he lives on and the lifestyle it takes to live there. He is an honest person and if wasn’t planning on returning he would simply say so.
The New Moon
Sundown at the casa
This month’s new moon brings with it Charlie. A new face staying on the commune while Andy is away and quite possibly up to a year. Let’s hope the changes this new moon bring are positive new beginnings.

Sunday June 13th, 2010
Frustration and sadness rains
1:30pm at the casa
The day started normal enough. Today with Charlie stopping by around 8am. We all drank coffee and talked. The guys talking about security and the chance of things getting stolen out of the commune. From there conversation flowed into our situation and the sense of feeling trapped, without a way to leave Pixie and the property without worry. We mentioned finding someone to fill the ‘Dan’ role, someone we could trust so we can go see and do things
also. At that, Charlie mentioned that he saw on our website that we were accepting applications. This set Kevin off, internally. He didn’t say a word till Charlie left.
Over lunch Kevin and I spoke about our hopes that Charlie could be someone we could trust with the dog and the
house. Plus, if Andy comes back, like he says, both we and the commune would have our bases covered. We could all help each other watch the others properties. But frustration was boiling under the surface. Kevin was angry and frustrated with Lori posting the ad on their website. We specifically told her that we didn’t need her help finding someone, we had our own avenues. But in their farce of running the website and Facebook page from home they advertised for help. Help they were not interviewing for nor forwarding us applications.
She had mentioned that we had a guest coming on July 1st and 2nd and that he was interested in a work stay. We aren’t. We don’t trust anything that comes form Ben and Lori. We can find our own help…that actually sirfs and knows what they are getting into.
The frustration of no internet or American t.v. is taking its toll. Compounded by the Whitefield’s farce, Kevin is at his wits end. I understand how he feels. I feel much more isolated than he. Sadness overwhelms me as he airs his feelings. I feel helpless. I cry. There are days that you can go on and be happy here, with life in this simplest form. Then there are days the isolation is overwhelming and you just want the comfort of something familiar. English speaking television would be great. Internet or a cheap calling plan even better. We both long to touch something from home. Whether it be a phone call to a familiar voice or a ride on the Buell. We also long to not be haunted by the conniving Whitefield’s.
Hopefully this week the internet card comes and that gives us a little hope and eases the feelings of isolation.

Monday June 14th, 2010
Officially one month in the casa
6:30pm Quepos
It seems like its been forever but, its been 4 weeks. 40 days, altogether. Life on Cocal has not been what I’d hoped, not yet. My life is consumed with raking and burning leaves, cooking, laundry. All the usual things but with overwhelming feelings of solitude and isolation.
The beach couldn’t even give me a refuge here. Strong currents and rip tides make swimming hard to do. What I get is the occasional dip after yard work. Both to cool and clean off. The beach and water is littered with massive pieces of driftwood. Drift trees and logs. So much so, I worry about Kevin surfing and thoughts of getting whacked are in the back of my mind when I  swim. These aren’t the beaches you lay out and pass time on. They are more the utilitarian beach, for practical use only. Some days, the beaches and water are cleaner of drift and debris. I guess living on beaches for so long, I am just not the hard core beach person. You can swim and lay out on any beach, maybe I’m a little spoiled. You never know.
The hardest thing to deal with is the boredom and isolation. Some days there aren’t many chores to do and my days drag on. I fight urges to break down and cry. I know its only been a month, but it has been a long month. Earthquakes, tropical storm and the clean up in its wake, volcano eruptions, overcoming the lies and reputation of the Whitefield’s, not knowing the language enough to communicate, long walks to town, dirty beaches, no internet, no campers, people leaving. Its been a lot to deal with.
I must admit, the walks to town don’t seem quite as long or dirty. I look and see the beauty of the ocean views across the open lots, the beautiful plants and flowers in the front yards of the Ticos. I enjoy seeing young and old playing marbles , together, in the sand and looking into the faces of the children here. The views from the beach are
beautiful.  I have a humming bird that visits, nearly everyday, who brings a smile to my face.
Yet, I still cannot settle my heart and mind enough to do simple things, like paint, to pass the time. This is what I do. I write. Trying to purge all of the internal emotions onto these pages. Some days it works, other days it doesn’t. I have begun to collect the more interesting pieces of driftwood from the beach. Hoping someday to fashion them into equally interesting pieces of furniture. As helpless as we both feel most days, they are peppered with tiny sparks of inspiration and a lot of hope.
All we have is each other here. Neither wanting the feelings of being overwhelmed wash us away. We have conversations about both the good and the bad. The ones about the bad leave me with huge feelings of anxiety. The others optimism. We both express ourselves and we feel closer. Sometimes the fear and stress drive us apart but, not for long. Each day brings a new day and although they don’t differ much something inside us changes and brings us closer. For this, I am thankful.
Also, with Charlie here, there is renewed hope that we wont be quite so alone in this Tico world. Charlie brings a fresh perspective, ideas and the offer to help. This, too, brings some comfort to our weary minds that at times are overcome with worry. Ben and Lori left us with unnecessary feeling of paranoia. I can see , with the way they were perceived, why they worried. Slowly, we are learning that we are not them, and the locals just might see us differently. Which is exactly what we want. We want to live with the locals not above them. We have no more money than them and we want to live like them. Not live in fear of them, like Ben and Lori. We aren’t selling drugs, we don’t have any kids and we are not paying everyone around us to work for us. We don’t act like rich gringos because we aren’t. That
was the biggest mistake the Whitefield’s could have made and they did it. We, day by day, are gaining good vibes and respect from the Ticos around us, and that makes us proud.
The first month has brought a mix of emotions. But, then again, its only been a month. 

Tuesday June 15th, 2010
Fucking computer
10am on the casa porch
Ok, I’m bored. I sat down to catch up on my journal to find my computer screen flashing every few seconds. Now it has stopped. . . For now. I’m getting the feeling that I will be buying a new computer this year. Between it melting down in Ft. Lauderdale and now this monitor/screen issue, I’m not real happy. Yet another thing to bring a level of disappointment to my life.
But, we are holding out hope. If both Andy and Charlie stay, life here can become what we hoped. We would have people that we trust to watch Pixie and the house. This would give us some of the freedom we long for, to explore outside of Quepos and Costa Rica. Plus, if the internet card comes today(they were due in today), or this week we can feel comfortable with fixing up the campground. With the internet, we can finally actively seek surfers to come camp. This will be the motivation to put time and effort into the property. Without having the ability to market ourselves, there is no one booked to stay. Well, except for Loris work stay person. Even that will be crushed when Lori finds out we don’t want anyone for a work stay. With Andy and Charlie, we don’t need anyone. If Andy doesn’t return, we should still have Charlie for a while, till we can find our own person.
These were our morning conversations. Holding out hope. We are ½ way to our first 90 day visa renewal. If things don’t start going our way, we may be heading home.  But what we’d really like is for it to work. To be able to travel every 90 days and see someplace new. Then after 12 months return home. Then again, if things become profitable here, maybe we would stay longer. That would take a lot of work, though, and life on Cocal is already a lot of work.
We figured by 6 moths we would know something solid about what we will do. Five and a half months. We have been in the house for 1 on the property for one and a half.
God I hope that internet card gets here soon…