Friday, February 19, 2010

BIGASSBAGS Are taking over the world!

Well, maybe not the world but at least the yoga community! Yesterday Lisa came home with news that another bag was sold out of the studio. Low and behold the buyer is a Yoga Studio owner from Rhode Island! I was so excited about the news, but Lisa came in and told me as I was sewing up the last of a dozen new bags. So, I may have seemed unfazed by her news at the time. But really, I was thrilled! I will keep you all posted as new details about this exciting news develops! 

Gypsy Heart hasn't been to the local markets lately, as I haven't been physically up to the set-up, but still working on getting my designs in local consignment boutiques. Im kicking around the idea of my own boutique, but it would have to be a co-op. I have one person in mind to go in with...just would need one more....ahhh, but enough of the dreaming....Well, maybe one day!

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