Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For all you junkies (and fans) the rest of MAY

Friday May 21st, 2010
Rearranging the bedroom
9am in the casa bedroom
Kevin and Andy had gone to town. Kevin had said that he wasn’t sleeping well in the full size bed in the casa. This I thought was at least a queen, since Lori told me to bring some sheets of that size. I had to agree that the full size bed was just a bit too small for us. Nana’s queen did the job, but this wasn’t Nana’s bed.
In the corner of the bedroom sat a twin size mattress with its frame stood up on its side to house a few boxes and such left behind by Ben and Lori, a make-shift closet. Because of our sleeping dilemma, I decided to take the frame and mattress down. Luckily the two bed frames were the same height. So, I stood them side by side to make a bigger than king sized bed. I stuffed the space where the frames met with blankets, for comfort and slid all of the boxes left behind under the beds.
When he came come, Kevin was surprised and happy to see a bed that we might actually get some sleep in.
Andy busts up his elbow
2:30pm at the beach out front
Kevin and Andy decided to go in the water. Kevin to surf and Andy to swim and body surf. I stayed behind, doing whatever chores and cooking needed to be done. Whlie on the porch, Andy came back not looking so happy. He was holding his arm and explained what had happened. While trying to body surf, the wave doubled up on him and threw him to the shallow bottom. His elbow is what hit the hardest. Not sure if he broke it, he grabbed some things and went home.
That evening, he came by to tell us he took the bus to the hospital. They checked it out, said it wasn’t broken and gave him some pain killers. At least it wasn’t broken, but he was still in a lot of pain. My toe was still killing me. So, I knew it would be a few weeks before that elbow would feel any better.

Saturday May 22nd, 2010
More of the same chores, chores, chores
All day at the casa
Not much happened today. Kind of peaceful being in the groove of doing the household chores…raking and burning leaves, laundry, sweeping and cooking. Life at its simplest.

Sunday May 23rd, 2010
Kevin finds the “ultimate” surf spot
10am near the Quepos pier
This morning, after a day of chores and chilling, Kevin was itching to surf. The waves out front hadn’t been that great. Kevin swore it was much like being in St. Augustine. The waves had the same mushy, crumbly feel to them. Although more powerful, being the Pacific.
So, he decided to walk the beach and see of he could find a better break. South of us you can sometimes see people surfing and decided to check it out. He came back around the same time Andy arrived. He was stoked and wanted to surf the waves by the Quepos pier. So, he and Andy went off. Andy and his elbow were only going to watch.
When they returned Kevin was so happy talking of his ultimate surf spot here on Cocal. I was happy for him, just disappointed the walk was so far. It would be fun to try and get some pictures of him surfing soon.
Mike shows up a la Tico Time
1:30pm on the Casa porch
Not long after the guys got back from their surf expedition, Mike the baker showed up. Andy had mentioned that Mike may stop by the night before and bring some things from the bakery. He never showed. When he popped up on the porch, I was left with an uneasy feeling. People showing up unannounced made me weary.
We greeted Mike and exchanged pleasantries. My neck was bothering me so I just laid in the hammock with my head on the porch rail. It was strangely comfortable and took the pressure off my neck. Mike offered beers I declined, Kevin accepted. No sooner was a beer finished and Mike was asleep in the other hammock.
Andy had things to do so went back to his place. Kevin and I went inside to lay down. After a while, we heard Mike get up, drink another beer and leave. My take on this guy was that he wasn’t someone I wanted to hang out with. Something about him just wasn’t right.

Monday May 24th, 2010
The rain begins, bill collectors call…I figure out the phone and use it
8:30pm  at the casa
This morning Kevin and Andy went to town. It has been days since I left the property. I started to feel isolated and lonely today. Trying to ease my anxiety, I was pacing the house when the phone rang. This would be the my first time using the phone. Its an old Blackberry and I really don’t now how to use it. Fumbling around trying to answer it, I missed the call. Frustrated, I messed with the phone and managed to call back the person who called twice in a row, while I was unable to answer. It winds up that it is Rileys doctors office looking for payment from their last visit. Nice.
I gave the woman their number in the states along with their emails. I  figured they may need her medical records, if there truly is something wrong with Miss Riley. How the hell could they have not paid the doctor, just for that reason?
My anxiety grew, wondering who else would come out of the woodwork looking for money. Then, I realized, I could use the phone. I  called my brother. Unfortunately, he did not answer. So, I babbled him a message about how I love and miss him and how he can call if he can call, as my voice broke.
I cried when I hung up the phone. No one to talk to. No one to listen. I couldn’t paint, too much emotion. I had to do something. Something to relieve the pressure I feel inside.
The Journal Begins
10:30am in the casa kitchen
So begins the journal of this adventure. Today is Sunday June 13th and I am finally writing about the day I started this journal. Looking back, it has been the most cathartic thing I could do. It may still take me a few days till I am writing in the moment, as I did today, everyday.
As I come to a topic, most days I can bring myself right back to that moment, recollect and give my best interpretation of the day and its events. Soon I will catch up and my writing may become more raw as I write with the emotions so close to the surface.
I also wanted to give all those I love a glimpse into my life so far away from them. I decided once I got the internet, I would post my journal to my blog.  A little personal, maybe. Then maybe I wouldn’t feel so isolated.
And so the journal begins.

Tuesday May 25th, 2010
Rain, day 2
6:30pm Quepos
OK, we know it’s the rainy season, but 2 days straight? Not much happening in the rain..

Wednesday May 26th, 2010
MORE rain….
7am at the casa
Woke this morning and its still raining. Enough is enough already. Hopefully the rain will end.
Surf photos
11am on the beach
Well, the rain finally ended and the surf was on. Kevin went out on his board and Andy and I manned our cameras. Andy has this cool little waterproof point and shoot by Limux. So, into the water he went to take pictures. I stayed on shore with my digital SLR. The sand has a drop off at the high tide line making it easy to get good shots. Plus, Kevin doesn’t surf as far out. So, I  wound up getting some of the best surf sequence photos of Kevin and just good ole breaking waves.
We decided, with the internet card coming within 2 weeks, we would take some of the pictures and post them looking for help and campers.
Ant attack
8pm the casa bedroom
We had just been in the bedroom and Kevin threw a shirt onto the shelves that hold our clothes, tv and cd’s. Within 15 minutes we walked back into the bedroom and it was infested with ants! Thousands of them on the shirt Kevin had just put down and everything on the bottom shelf. Freaking out, we grabbed the bug spray and tried to kill them all. We took things out of the house that were covered with them that we didn’t want to spray. It was like something out of one of those horror movies where things just appear in mass quantity. Creepy. We worked at getting the ants gone and in turn, clean up of the dead ants and bug spray. The spray smell had overcome the room. With windows open and all fans on, Kevin kept finding stray ants on the bed. It would be a while before we could settle down and were sure there were no more ants coming out of no where. Who could sleep with the idea that you could be covered with ants in less than 15 minutes of being asleep.
It was the strangest thing, but the ants were gone, not to return and we finally fell asleep.

Thursday May 27th, 2010
Wake to sun, rain after coffee
Full Moon tonight
All day at the casa
Well, that’s about all that went on today. Just another day in Cocal.

Friday May 28th, 2010
Not much goin on
All day at the casa
Same shit, different day.

Saturday May 29th, 2010
First day at the Market
9:30am downtown Quepos
Today we finally made it to the farmers market. It is cute, not real big and on the bay front. Here it doesn’t matter what vendor you use because the prices here set each week by the government. I even saw prices posted on the Friday news. For about sixteen dollars I got enough fruit, vegetable and chicken to last the week. Finally something affordable in Quepos. The prices are probably the same in the grocery but, there is just something about buying at the Farmers market that makes you feel good, like your getting a deal.
From there we went to the Pali. Then to the internet café. I got to catch up on my emails and felt good. Kevin posted on the Surf Station forums that we were running a surf camp and looking for help. He also posted 2 of the pictures I took of him. I posted the same pictures on my Facebook.
We had missed the market last week and I glad we got to go today. Getting off the property, walking the streets of Quepos and getting to go online are refreshing to me. It’s a little bit of normalcy. This is just what I need sometimes, just to get off the property. Just a little bit of normal.
Sunday May 30th, 2010
Chillin taking pics of the surf and Tico rumors
Mid-day at the casa
Today was a day for relaxing. Kevin surfed, I took pictures and Andy was there. I also spent time catching up on my journal. After surfing, we were all on the casa porch and Andy lets us in on a Tico rumor he heard. It turns out that the locals think Ben and Lori left because they were running from the cops. Now, how can you blame them. Within days of the Whitefield’s leaving, the island taxi driver, Jason, got arrested for selling herb. It probably seemed to them that they had something to do with it or were just outrunning getting busted. Plus the Rasta colors all over the Casa de Rasta comes with the connotation of drugs, here in Costa Rica. Who knew why the Ticos thought what they thought, but most rumors are grounded in truth. Then it hit us…the Ticos probably thought the same of us. After all, Ben was telling everyone we were his cousins. Right then and there, we knew that the Rasta colors needed to come down and the locals needed to know we weren’t family of the Whitefield’s. Its funny because, at this point Kevin was noticing cops out on Cocal. We needed to disassociate ourselves from Ben and his family, we knew it. Great, more Whitefield bullshit to overcome.

Monday May 31st, 2010
Memorial Day in the States
Meeting gypsy in town buy internet data card
2pm Quepos
We left by noon to go to town. Went to the internet café and posted pictures of  Kevin surfing along with a mention that we are looking for help for the camp. I also posted the pics on my Facebook hoping that some people I know on there that surf will  see them and want to come for a stay. We also received our first correspondence from Ben & Lori
asking how we were and about the earthquake. Just a few lines from Ben was all, So I replied in the same manner.
Rumblings from below, Round 2
9:30 pm in the Casa Bedroom
Once again, a full day of work and Costa Rican life has left me terribly tired, yet unable to find sleep. Kevin was out  well before 9, so I turned off the “Big Lebowsky” to try and fall asleep.  No luck. As I was lying there tossing and turning, the tremor hit. It felt like someone was rocking the bed. It lasted longer than the last, but seemed gentler, in a way. Nothing clanging around just an earth shaking rumble. Kevin slept through it. So, knowing sleep wasn’t near, I turned “The Big Lebowsky” back on, took what is near the last of my sleep medication, and finished watching the movie. Sometime after the movie finished, I fell off to sleep.

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